invitation to join American Disaster Preparedness yahoo group
(too old to reply)
2005-09-15 02:05:03 UTC

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Joe Fischer
2005-09-20 02:04:25 UTC
Post by madyoky
This group seems active enough, so here is a couple things
that are wrong or inadequate at present.

First, the Saffir-Simpson scale os woefully inadequate to
describe a storm like Katrina.

I suggest an extension or modification to the scale to add
1.0 to the present scale for each 10 miles width of the hurricane
force wind path after the first 50.

That would make Katrina about a 10, compared to most other
recent storms being a 5, 6 or 7.

And both the weather channel and NOAA need to focus
on when escape roads will become hazardous, not when the
eye will make landfall.

Another thing that could be done is pass laws and local
ordinances to impose heavy fines on people still in an area
after a certain deadline. There is no reason for first responders
to have to risk their safety trying to help people too dumb to leave.

A down to earth study of NO is needed, to see just how
much food and water (or soft drinks, etc.) the average person
had, if they had less than 24 hours food and drinks, then there
is surely more poverty than anyone knows.

Perhaps I am a scaredy cat, but I have ladders against the
house so I can get on the roof if need be, I have shelves on every
wall big enough that I don't have to worry about moving things if
ther is 2 feet of water in the house, and I have enough crackers
and snacks to last me about a month at all times (this is partly
because I have to drive more than 20 miles round trip to buy
groceries, but it is something I might do anyway).

I also have a couple of sections of scaffold to set up
in the house to get bigger furniture on in case of a flood,
only one of the last 10 floods here put more than 2 feet
of water in the house.

The big thing is, I leave if there is any indication it can
flood, in plenty of time to get out while it is safe to drive,
I don't like the idea of being rescued by boat, and there
is no way I will get in one of those helicopter baskets. :-)

Joe Fischer

PS: I also have a life vest in the closet.
